Saturday, January 26, 2008

May we please have...

the kittybonkbonk! Well yes you may.
Kittybonkbonk is Conkers naughty but cute name. It is what he gets called when he helps us make the he did today.
Every layer that is made needs to be hidden under and then he performs his cute-ize to make sure it's been done to his standards.
Finally all this hard work results in a .....a little dozybonk!

I know I'm daft about my sue me.


Joanna said...

It just reminds me of, Conkers is such a cutie though!

Batty said...

Oooh, what a little cutie! Our kitties help with the beds and the laundry, where would be be without all the kitty help?

I was never a babytalk person until I brought home my cats. It's normal, I guess.

DeltaDawn said...

Then I'm daft about your cat too (as well as my own beasts)! Conkers is too fabulous - he has the most blissed out expression!