is NOT this lovely CTH Supersock potluck in water that I bought with a birthday gift voucher...
nor is it the fact that Lottie zonked out yesterday evening we had a couple of peaceful hours.....
it is this present from M which he purchased whilst shopping yesterday! Please note the packet tells us this is 'delicious, appetizing and nourishing'. Please also note the useful serving suggestion though why you'd put a whole, living, unplucked chook in your soup is beyond me. Finally this wonderful concoction of dried goodness doesn't contain ANY cock/chicken products at all.
I intend to make this up a lunch time just to see what it's like - so todays menu is 'Cock Soup', the mind boggles.
(I wasn't going to post today - but this just couldn't wait!)
N.B - cock soup is very orange and very salty!!!!
What I wouldn't give for a big bowl of cock soup right now...
Heeeheehee! Cock soup! Mmm, complete with unplucked, live chicken!
Oh, wait, you said it didn't have any chicken parts in it. Duh, I should have known. They don't fit in that bag!
Points at screen and giggles uncontrollably!
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