Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Knitting and Lottie

Original title, I know. But it does what it says on the tin! I couldn't wait to start knitting with Jo's fibre and the 1st two pictures are the result so far - it is so pretty and knits up a dream. M said it put him in mind of a forest floor - I can see that.
I'm using an adapted basket weave stylie pattern - I want something to show off the colours as well as the texture of the hand spun. I also decided to use 3mm dpns just to see how it would it knit - pretty good so far - it will take a smaller needle as well - so versatile enough to range from 2.5mm up.
Madame Pigbat Monkey dog is now 19 weeks old. On Saturday we went walking through our most favourite park to the woods, http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/index.cfm?request=c1001373 or now they've done the old house up (beautifully I might add) http://www.stanmerhouse.co.uk/, anyway it rained and hailed on us and Lottie got mighty muddy - Loobles being white you'd think would get filthy - no - twas the scruff bag who was caked in dirt, Sunday therefore heralded her 1st ever bath!!

Ooooo wet Pigbats! She was very good, had a massive pigbatting session after we towel dried her, she then found the sunniest spot in the house and kipped for a couple of hours. She dried all fluffy and was sweet smelling for about 12 hours, she smells of terrier again already, but I kind of like the smell. As I type she has just been charging around outside, watched the birdies (fornicating pigeons) through the lounge window and is now curled up on her cushion on the sofa preparing for her mid morning doze - ahhhh the life!
Loobles has been assisting my Mother unpacking her weekly grocery shopping - the bread needs inspecting, you have to watch her like a hawk as she will nibble it. And Conkers, well he is sploged (perfect descriptive word) on a downstairs window sill right by the bird table - he wants the Magpie that is visiting us, he wants it bad, he chatters to it and sings for it to come in and play.
J has finished his home school which included reading a fascinating essay by Richard Dawkins about that touchy subject (whispers......religion) much discussion ensued. He's building a Bionicle assault course in his room - the mind boggles at the chaos - I just won't look, it's easier. And me.....? Well streaming head cold aside - I'm going to start spinning Jo's other fibre :-D happy times.


turtlegirl76 said...

Lottie is such a cute little furball. Will she get very big? I wish you could make 'em all stay small.

Joanna said...

The colours look so fabulous Peri, it's great to see the results as you go!