Sunday, October 12, 2008

Biff, bang, biff, bang, crash!

That was my bathroom being trashed by M aka 'Mr Plumber-in-Residence. I still (temporarily) have a loo and a basin, but the bath, tiles and shower are gone. In the fact the bath is currently having an open air mini break on the front lawn - I do so love bringing down the tone of the neighbourhood with a little temporary fly-tipping.

We have hit some major problems. Although the extension was only built 16 years ago, the plumber who did the work was probably a really good carpenter!!! And we found lots of nasty little corners that the builders have cut. So M has a least a couple of days remedial work before he can actually plumb - don't you love DIY?

It will all be worth it though. And I can live with chaos, dirt, dust and mayhem for a little while. The OCD side of my personality is finding it hard to ignore but a little knitting may distract me.


Allie said...

You have my sympathies!

Anonymous said...

We packed ourselves off to family for a coupla days when our bathroom was being done!! Can you not do that?? Highly reccommend it-you get spoilt rotten!! (Even though we have an en-suite!!!)

C.R (remember me? the dentists wife)

Joanna said...

My bathroom was trashed Jan 07, unfortunately it hasn't been put back together again, although I do have a bath, the basin and toilet have failed to re-appear!

Joanna said...

My bathroom was trashed Jan 07, unfortunately it hasn't been put back together again, although I do have a bath, the basin and toilet have failed to re-appear!