The picture above is of Tiny's (Salmon Pink Birdeater) tank. That is metal, quite thick metal, mesh. The hole is Tinys way of showing us he/she is bored. That hole took less than 2 hours and was almost big enough for an escape. Tiny is our largest spider *gulp*. He/she is now in a new tank with even thicker metal mesh - he/she has attempted to chew it and has so far failed *phew*. Why don't iPod or Nintendo make entertainment systems for bored tarantulas?
Lottie was actually asleep - eyes open, blue fing ensconced in her maw - when M took this. We removed it, with some difficulty, as she wasn't letting go and she must have had a dry tongue. She looked so funny as she tried to moisten it - lip smacking and chattering her jaw. Bizarre.
Be careful you don't sit on him! x
It happens. My cats are clawing the living daylights out of my $2000 couch. It's one of those facts of life... our critters steal the best spots.
hiya , just to say nice to find your blog , we home ed and knit too.
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