Book 2 is 'Coraline' by Neil Gaiman. I bought this for J for Christmas as he had seen and loved the film and wanted to read the book. He read it in a day and I managed it in an afternoon over the New Year break. The fact that it is a quick read isn't in anyway detrimental to it. I love Gaiman's storytelling, whether for child or adult, and I found this book entrancing. It differs to the film (which I also love) on some levels but the base of the storyline is the same. It was a lovely way to spend a lazy afternoon and I'm really glad I got around to reading it finally.
Book 3 is an audio book of 'Fragile Things' by Neil Gaiman - going for a theme here.
I often use audio books to revisit old favourites and this is the case with this book. I love the fact that it is read by the author and it gives more meaning to the explanations of how each story and poem came in to being. I find this so interesting that I wish more authors did it.
There is nothing better than a comfy chair, some knitting and a good audio book especially on a winter evening. Mr Gaiman transports you to all sorts of places and ideas and I adore the fact that this book revisits Shadow from 'American Gods' and Mr Clare from another short story in a novella.
I have a thing for short story books - especially by favourite authors - it is nice to dip in and out of their worlds now and then without the commitment of a whole novel.
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