Thursday, April 05, 2012

Best romantic poem

Conviction (iv)

I like to get off with people,
I like to lie in their arms
I like to be held and lightly kissed,
Safe from all alarms.

I like to laugh and be happy
With a beautiful kiss
I tell you, in all the world
There is no bliss like this.

Stevie Smith (1902 - 71).


hanameizan said...

Hi Peri,

I came across your blog thanks to your kind link, and I immediately recognise some of your other BT links.

And I felt catapulted into a different dimension. Quilts and poetry. Both so beautiful, both so far away. That random contact with something out of my own comfort zone.

I particularly enjoyed the Spike Milligan. Thanks for reminding me of 30-odd years ago. A different world indeed.

hanameizan said...

Hi Peri,

I came across your blog thanks to your kind link, and I immediately recognise some of your other BT links.

And I felt catapulted into a different dimension. Quilts and poetry. Both so beautiful, both so far away. That random contact with something out of my own comfort zone.

I particularly enjoyed the Spike Milligan. Thanks for reminding me of 30-odd years ago. A different world indeed.