Thursday, February 28, 2013

More bookidy wookidy books.

Thank You Jeeves by P G Wodehouse
Format - Audio book

Well read and very entertaining. Never read/listened to these before. I really enjoyed it.

Island of Fog and Labyrinth of Fire by Keith Robinson
Format - Kindle

OK these are meant to be kids books but if you want some well written light escapism then these are perfect. Fast paced and exciting with a couple of twists and peppered with fantastical beasts. They are great books for a quick entertaining read. I have already downloaded the 3rd one.

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
Format - Audiobook

Been re-listening to this at work. It is the authors preferred text and is read by him as well and I it is  just totally brilliant.

Hide and Seek by P.S Brown
Format - Kindle

Clever twisty little book this. Not my normal genre and it kept me guessing. Written against a clock and fast paced. It was a total page turner. I'd happily read more by this author.

Damon by Vanessa Hawkes
Format- Kindle.

Thought I would love this - I didn't. Just not my cuppa tea at all. Quite disturbing in places. It just felt wrong.

Across the Nightingale Floor by Lian Hearn
Format - Kindle

I saw a friend had read this and it looked interesting and she reckoned it was good - she was right. As the story picked up pace I could not leave it alone. I loved the world the characters inhabited, it is very clever. I loved the story and I will be reading the others in the series. Excellent.

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