Wednesday, June 27, 2007

For J - 28/06

I won't have time to do this tomorrow, so here it is a day early. A little photo tribute to my number 1 pain in the bum. This is a little baby J - I can't for the life of me remember how old he was when this was taken but if there are no teeth in the picture than he is less than 12 weeks old. He was not an easy baby but when he was happy he was really happy and vice versa.This picture was taken about a day before his 1st birthday - so 9 years ago today! He'd been asleep so his hair is all mussed up and this is the only photo taken that day he smiled in. At this age he was into everything, nothing was sacred. I couldn't even go to the loo without him causing mayhem. In the end I got a travel cot and used to put him in it - so I could go to the bathroom without hearing a huge crash and a scream.
Here is J at 3 taken in the Millennium year at his Pre-school. This period of time was when we truly discovered what a little sod he could be and just how stubborn his personality was/is. Talk about go your own way!
And this is J today. Still stubborn, still very much his own person and still going his own way! He can be the most kind, generous and caring kid, he can also be helpful, clever and useful - this all counter balances his numpty-ness, his messiness and his scatter brained-professor Brainstorm tendencies........I wouldn't have it/him any other way. Happy Dirtday Kiddo - you rock!


Batty said...

Happy Birthday, J!

gourdongirl said...

Belated B'day J. Boys are just wonderful!