Sunday, September 30, 2007
More pictures.
From the south up towards Burkle.
Hmmmm a long way down.
Aero-generators and a rainbow..........still looking for the pot of gold.....maybe I'll find it soon.
The older pier (?) at North Haven.
There are more to follow and the end of our adventure too. Maybe tomorrow.
Fair Isle Adventures.
Monday we continued up to Aberdeen. We went across the Forth Road Bridge - an amazing experience in itself.
Caught our flights from Aberdeen to Sumburgh (I still don't like flying overmuch) no problems........but Angela had let us know that there were NO flights to Fair Isle that day so they were holding the ferry to Fair Isle for us at the pier........this is where the adventure bit begins.
There is a picture further down of the ferry - The Good Shepherd IV - she's a great boat, but, oh boy does she wallow!!!! Lucky for me I'd taken travel sickness pills - if I hadn't I would have heaved the whole 2 and half hours. I slept most of the way, bracing my legs as a slept, the little voice in my head counting the minutes. The crew were great - very friendly - as a first welcome to the folk on Fair Isle it was promising.
We got there in one piece - a bit wobbly...........was it worth it? YES! It is so beautiful, wild, open, exposed - I could wax lyrical for a good while. M and I spent ages just looking a the view from Angela's lounge windows - we couldn't take our eyes off it.
We had a great time - good hosts, good food, M even cooked one night - comfy beds and a warm welcome from all those we met. We explored with the help of Darren and his go-anywhere van. They answered our never ending stream of questions. The kids were happy and full of beans from morning to night. M fell in love with the pigs (joke - kind of)
Would we go back? Yes - tomorrow - ok with you?
The time passed so quickly - we didn't see half of what we intended (it didn't help that I developed a hacking cough/cold - which passed fairly quickly but on Wednesday it made me feel like shit!). We were meant to stay til Friday but weather/travel can be unpredictable so we left a day early...............
Further adventures follow.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
greensocks 002
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Finally getting around to making the mittens to match my Irish Hiking Scarf. Own pattern - lacey top and cuff - lovely and warm - soft and snuggly.
Green Socks No Ham!
greensocks 007
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Own design WIP. Proof that 2nd sock is under construction. Opal Uni on 2.5mm dpns, top down.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
An Ode (in the style of Father William)
"It's being married to your Muvver for the last 20 years and learning to do as I'm told!"
"So was it Mum's constant nagging that made your locks fall out?" Persisted the small whiny child.
"Most likely" replied the brow beaten bloke "she'd drive anyone insane and wild!"
"20 years" said the boy "is a very long time. Did marrying Mum make you happy?"
"Hurumph!!" Said his Father "I'll not answer that in case it makes her more crabby."
Said the boy with persistence "But I need to know. Did your love remain fervent and true?"
His Dad rolled his eyes with mild surprise and replied "Do you know - I haven't a clue."
The Father called to his wife of long years "Is our love, Dear, still fervent and true?"
The silence did echo as his wife didn't answer...............................................................
(Well what would you do?)
But at last a mumble came through....."I'll answer that 'Yes' dear because I'd still say 'I do'."
The wife and the husband smiled at each other as each remembered plighting their troth.
20 years on, one chubby, one bald and one small annoying boy growth!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Mona socks by Cookie, A.
mona 004
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Started 12/08 - finished today. (I wasn't faithful to them and got 2nd sock syndrome - however 2nd sock was knit in 3 days - yesterday I knit from the heel flap to 1/2 way through the toe.
Reggia Silk sock yarn in cream - used 74g. 2.5mm dpns. Knit to fit size 4 1/2 to 5 UK foot size. I did shorten leg to accomodate my tree trunk ankles.
Check out mega fungi on Laburnam stump!
Mona - the close up.
mona 003
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
A better look at the stitch pattern. It is easy to follow and to remember so you can work without the chart.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
snakespun 009
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Sp sent this. She said this was her 1st complete fibre and dyed by herself - Watermelon. Navajo plied. Destined of mittens I think. Fibre is Corriedale Pencil Roving.
Pottery courtesy of M. Snake is Raku fired. Balls are hand carved, biscuit fired then glazed fired in a conventional kiln.
More spinning
snakespun 002
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Another sp gift. I think it came from KnittingKitty it's a tencel and wool mix - spun like a dream. Pot is courtesy of M and is Naku fired.
Giant Salmon Pink Birdeater
tinyxstitch 001
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
more fondly known to us as Tiny, post moult - he still has some growing to do though. He's a hungry spider who is very feisty
tinyxstitch 006
tinyxstitch 006
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Completed Cross Stitch from Subversive Cross Stitch - gifted to me by Glittrgirl. When I made this - it described exactly how I felt!
2) Things got worse before they got better - Saturday actually started to see improvement for us all. I am climbing out of my pit - a few inches each day. I walked in the woods, picked blackberries and talked to people I love and they have been there for me. Thank you to you as well - you know who you are.
3) Maggie from sent me a kind email which has replenished my faith in blogging, so I have resolved to blog again but on a more sporadic basis. I have also elected to moderate comments. I hate taking this step - I value honest opinions - but not from anon commenter's who are too bigger cowards to put their money where their months are.
4) Very little knitting to report - lots of unfinished stuff I need to settle down to. I have been restless. Lots of spinning though - as per yesterdays post - there has been other spinning too - I'll put up pictures later.
5) Glittr at sent me a giftie, a book called 'Subversive Cross Stitch'. Now if I'm honest I'm not a fan of cross Big Sis is brilliant at, really talented (huh she reads my blog occasionally ;-) ) but seriously she's GOOD. But this little book tickled me (thanks glittr) I've completed one am working on 2nd....again picture to follow.
6) I pissed off my spinning SP - major time (I think) with my last post - sorry and all that - just being honest, but the fibre she sent was/is lovely. I have spun loads of it with excellent results and I am truly grateful she sent a 2nd parcel so full of fibre-fun and I'm also sorry that she was so ill during the round. Peace my friend.
7) We're going to Fair Isle for almost a week will see the fantabulous Angela all of you who know 'why' we are going, please keep every thing crossed for us. Thank you.
8) Family are well. Loobles is getting so old and smelly - but she's still wagging. Conkers is having fun kitty-ma-fying every lone spider who ambles into the house, Tiny moulted - one big hairy spider. J is working so hard at his home school - it's like someone swapped kids on me. It's as if a 100 pennies all dropped at once, very gratifying. M's new meds have increased his depleted potassium levels and he says that he almost feels normal again. Ma and Sis (and her hubby) have been very supportive.........thanks for letting me rant, rant and rant some more!
That's it. Up todate. Still not going be online too much but's good to feel well enough to be back.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Stuff still happens.
spinningxx 009
Originally uploaded by loobles2002
Mainly spinning. SP gift fibre by Spunky Eclectic - colourway Tahiti (?) 104g in total, double plied.