Friday, October 31, 2008

You want yarn pR0n?

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Originally uploaded by loobles2002

Well here is some lovely, lovely stuff to feed your fetish on!

Spunky Eclectic's Skinny Socks - superwash Merino in Neopolitan.

'Tis prettty no?

It's being knit into socks right now and the way the colours are working - even though I'm only on the rib cuff - is truely wonderful.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

There are other things besides...

bathrooms. I've not had a lot of time but have managed 4 more crochet squares.
A 'Lupin' glove and a bit.

And to finish (finally) my 'Retro Rib Socks' from 'Favourite Socks'. Knitted on 2.75mm dpns, with a short leg in Lorna's Laces 'Tickled Pink'. I've also finished one Plan Ole Vanilla which is awaiting its mate.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

At the finish line!

Just the window ledge and a bit of skirting to go and we are there - oh apart from a tip run. It is a very difficult room to take pictures in though. Above is the shower cubicle and heated towel rack.
The basin unit.

The basin.
M has done an amazing job, up against so many problems. I love it. It is exactly how I wanted it.
Saturday we start on our bedroom - nice quiet week ahead too - family bonfire get together that we're organising, the D, C & A 'Knitting Safari', friends coming to stay for the 'Safari' - nah I've got nothing on, might as well push on with the DIY. Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa - I think I might be loosing it ;-)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Doing my happy dance.


My bathroom is almost completely finished - just the last few finishing touches and some new skirting board to go.


M won two tickets to go and see 'The Quantum of Solace' on the day it opens in the UK - free tickets to drool over Mr Craig, roll on Friday.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh No........

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Originally uploaded by loobles2002

not the novelty yarn.....yes it's the novelty yarn *shock,gasp, horror!*

In my defence it is Louisa Harding and it is soooooo pretty I couldn't resist it and it was reduced.

Not from GK this time either. We were walking around Wells and M saw an 'A' board sign with an arrow that said 'Wool Shop', the angel that he is, he pointed it out to me and offered that we should go looksee. It was like stepping back in time to the local wool shop (Perrings) of my childhood, right down to the fact there was a wooden drawer for a till and nary a computer in sight - she wrote down on a stock sheet what I bought....using a pen!!! The didn't even have the chip and pin facility and advised customers to pay by cash cos they had to charge for other methods of payment.....timewarp or what.

They had a lovely mix of yarns from the horrible to the lush, very little lace weight, but a good mix of fibres from Llama to Angora and a nice sock yarn corner. But I fancied this ribbon stuff, I have a future project in mind for and as I said 'it is so pretty'.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bandwagons and bogs!

I couldn't resist jumping on this particular wagon. Opal Harry Potter sock yarn Lupin and Harry. One for me and one for M. The Lupin, which is mine, is destined to become gloves - cos I have two pairs of socks on the go and honestly so much sock yarn and so many pairs of socks, that gloves seem like a good idea and I need another WIP, honest I do.

My joining of this wagon is all the fault of wibbo showing me her 'Tonks'(sounds kind of rude) on Friday and then giving me the web addy of where she got hers from ( - just in case you're interested - nice shop, good, quick service too!). I have an indoor, quiet day today so I feel a cast on coming my way, I did finish a single sock last night too so it kind of balances - the 2nd sock doesn't count, does it?
*rousing rendition of the 'Hallelujah Chorus'* - I have a new 'bog'. The stack and pipes will be boxed in later, the last big job is the basin. I have a loo, a new shower tray, 75% of tiles (grouted) 25% of the floor tiles, the plumbing & electrics for the shower and a heated towel rail. M worked to 11 the last two nights and was grouting at 7 this morning but it finally feels like progress. He'll need a holiday after this lot and he'll deserve one too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Why do I never have the size circular needle I need? Yesterday I decided to attempt, in the chaos of my life, to knit on Rhinebeck (above), as I took it out of my project bag the Denise needle it was on came apart. I swore mightily! I picked up all the stitches and decided that such a heavy project was too much for the Denise and I was fed up with he stitches sticking at the needle/cable join. So, I thought to myself, lets pop this heavy ole beastie onto an Addi Turbo, smooth, quick & light - good idea? Yep, except the only size I don't have is a 4.5mm. I was going to go on the bus to the local LYS at Shoreham but M needed a break and to stock up on a few beers for when he'd finished for the day (he's finally off call- he's been on call for almost a month due to workmate holidays), so we whizzed into the shop and I got my Addi and a set of dpns in the same size - same story as above - the only size I don't own.

Maybe now it will be quicker progress on Rhinebeck - pattern is in 'A Fine Fleece' by Lisa Lloyd. I love this book so much - the project below - Tilly is from the same book and is knitted in Manos Silk Blend. There are so many items I want to knit from this book.
Finally on the knitting front, the event that I'm organising in November- 'The Dog, Chicken and Aardvark Safari Knitters - Knitting Safari' Nov 8th, 12-4pm Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall (details on Ravelry and other places) - needed some knitted toys for a brantub that one of my brave volunteers (waves to Sue in Worthing) suggested and is now running. Here is the tally so far -I hate knitting toys, I hate knitting with squeaky yarn so this truly was/is a labour of love. The two mice at the back were knitted by Ma, I kinda volunteered her and she came up trumps. The others are my attempts - I have a mini teddy on the needles - but I've hit a brick wall at the moment - maybe next week he'll get some arms and legs.
The bathroom of doom continues.....1 step forward, 10 back, or that is how it feels. Honestly, we've always known that this place was the last house built in the close and the builder used all the odds and sods he left from the other properties, but it is ridiculous -we found out yesterday that half the pipes in the house are in imperial measures and the rest in metric - just at a critical point when all the local plumber merchants were shut (they don't open Sat pm - which is so strange in our 24/7 world) lucky for us B&Q had a compression joint which fitted but delayed the work. Then the weird heating system developed an airlock which would NOT clear or allow the system to be back filled - at about 9.00pm, after a day fraught with plumbing problems, we switched on the immersion for hot showers (we are using Ma's bathroom downstairs) and M left it to this morning - he is currently wrestling with it - but it is delaying all the other stuff which needs to be done!! I could have screamed with frustration on his behalf yesterday. This is a lovely house, but it is such a jerry build!

Right now I intend to knit and chill, then walk the dogs if the weather holds and that is about it for the day. I will don my plumbers mate hat when needed - but the word 'bathroom' is a dirty one at the moment!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Well it is Friday.

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Originally uploaded by loobles2002

More goodies from GK visit. Manos Silk blend in the most delicious concoction of colours. I love this yarn - am making Tilly from 'A Fine Fleece' in the blue colourway and the softness and texture the yarn gives to the cables is amazing. It's one of those knits that every few rows I stretch it out and look at it, just because it is so lovely.

Bathroom update - I loose my lav this weekend - I feel bereft already. M has promised the new one will go in the same day - so now I just have to pick out a nice new loo seat - the one I want is about £50 - who knew taking a comfy seat could be so costly or have so much choice! He also hopes to have the new basin & unit in and the new shower by Monday - yay.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I has....

some tiles in my builders yard bathroom.
I has some pretty flowers from M.
I has some crochet from my new book.
I has one of these. Not quite sure what it is, but it sure is naughty!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Someone is not best pleased...

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Originally uploaded by loobles2002

with all the chaos and rumpus. He has taken to the high ground in a fit of pique. Actually, it's been a bit more serious than a kitty with the knock, last night he pulled a Houdini at around 10.30pm in all that rain. Ma didn't realise she'd shut him in the conservatory, M let out Loobles and Conkers slipped out through the open door - all M saw was a black tail disappearing into the hedge!!

He came home at about 1.30am again, M was camping out in the conservatory waiting for him, we wanted to close the cat flap so he didn't head back out again after scoffing his supper. He's slept most of the day, downstairs - this cat does not like DIY. He is most sniffy with us all.


I put a little ** yesterday when I mentioned my diet....I meant to add (and forgot) that I'm still sticking with it. I hate dieting and find it hard as I love food - if you've seen my arse- you'll know this is true and obvious. Though maybe not so much now as it is shrinking - as of today I am 10kg lighter than when I started. I feel much better in myself too. Here's hoping I can continue, though as winter gets closer it will get harder as I adore winter food - hot puddings and thick stews etc.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Where has my floor gone?

In the bathroom that is. Work continues - we have a newly plastered back wall, which is almost dry so can be tiled. I have lots of new pipe work and a new valve for the new shower and today I get a new floor base. I feel lucky than M is a plumber by trade and can do all this - thinking on his feet when problems arise - I am sure if we'd paid someone (which we did last time - remember the plumber=carpenter comment I made) the price would have escalated by now. We've had to buy more stuff which has cost more £'s but nothing like it could have been.

I've taken over M's cooking duties - not doing too bad (working around my diet(**) a bit), we've homemade onion soup, chicken chasseur and last night beef stew and dumplings. Tonight I attempt Greek pie in the Ramouska (I love it) - it's all the fault of Annie she reminded me of these in the park the other week - now I can't leave it alone, they are good though. J and I have taken over all the dog walking too - so that's good fun.....why when they've been in the garden do they still want to take a dump on the street? I ALWAYS clean it up - but it's the carrying it home that is sooooo fragrant,

Some knitting, but more crochet this week - I have rediscovered my love of granny/afghan blocks thanks to '200 Crochet Blocks' this is really such a good book - clear and concise - good pictures too.
I feel a renewed addiction coming on - well it will use up all my sock yarn scraps!

Now I must away to the kitchen.....let's hope it turns out as wonderful as M makes it!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Biff, bang, biff, bang, crash!

That was my bathroom being trashed by M aka 'Mr Plumber-in-Residence. I still (temporarily) have a loo and a basin, but the bath, tiles and shower are gone. In the fact the bath is currently having an open air mini break on the front lawn - I do so love bringing down the tone of the neighbourhood with a little temporary fly-tipping.

We have hit some major problems. Although the extension was only built 16 years ago, the plumber who did the work was probably a really good carpenter!!! And we found lots of nasty little corners that the builders have cut. So M has a least a couple of days remedial work before he can actually plumb - don't you love DIY?

It will all be worth it though. And I can live with chaos, dirt, dust and mayhem for a little while. The OCD side of my personality is finding it hard to ignore but a little knitting may distract me.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Green with....

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Originally uploaded by loobles2002


More Lorna's Laces S & S from my GK expedition. I've had my eye on this colourway for ages - and have never got around to buying it. When I saw it in real life I could resist its lure no longer - it had to be mine!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Transwarpboogie on a one string diddley-bo

If you are a fan of Seasick Steve then you know exactly what I am talking about, if you are not a fan - then read no further. If you have never heard of him then - 1) Where have you been? 2) Go Google/You Tube the guy.

We saw him at the Dome last night and he was totally brilliant. He played a 1 hour 45 min set and he blew my beautifully hand knitted socks off. He really deserves all the kudos he can get - he was entertaining and really engaged with the full house crowd he attracted.

If you get the chance - go and see this amazing bloke live - it is so worth it.

Monday, October 06, 2008

How nice.

The wonderful Wibbo has awarded me this - thankee.

My duties following this accolade are;

1) Post this award on my blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded this to me.
3) Nominate at least 4 other bloggers to receive this award.
4) Leave a comment on their blogs so they know they've won.

Now to decide who...........................................

1) Reflections from the Greenhouse love this blog - wonderful thought provoking posts. This is one of my must read blogs.

2) Liverpool Leftovers - Maggie is one of my all time favourite bloggers.

3)Picperfic I love this ladies photographs and she does wonderful knitting plus she's Ali's Mum!!

4) Freestyle Fibre - Jo is brilliant and needs to be awarded just for that!

Finally some yarn.

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Originally uploaded by loobles2002

The Get Knitted Shop is totally, and I mean 'totally' fab! So much yarn, so many opportunities to over spend. I was told that I was very quick in my choices, but I did an online pretend shop before I left home, so I did know what I wanted to buy. And of course at the top of the list was some Lorna's Laces S&S - they didn't have a huge amount left from their last shipment so I choose two lots, this is the first of them 'Embers' - lovely mix of red, maroon and grey. It will be socks.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

A much needed shampoo & set.

About 9.00am this morning - one scruffy, hairy little Border Bugger-lugs.
In need of some expert grooming.
1.00pm same day - my, my who is this well groomed, sweet smelling, young lady?
Could it be the same scruffy dog?

Lucy who does our grooming is wonderful, she collects and delivers Lottie for me and Lottie loves her so much - she isn't at all traumatised by having a 'do'.