Why do I never have the size circular needle I need? Yesterday I decided to attempt, in the chaos of my life, to knit on Rhinebeck (above), as I took it out of my project bag the Denise needle it was on came apart. I swore mightily! I picked up all the stitches and decided that such a heavy project was too much for the Denise and I was fed up with he stitches sticking at the needle/cable join. So, I thought to myself, lets pop this heavy ole beastie onto an Addi Turbo, smooth, quick & light - good idea? Yep, except the only size I don't have is a 4.5mm. I was going to go on the bus to the local LYS at Shoreham but M needed a break and to stock up on a few beers for when he'd finished for the day (he's finally off call- he's been on call for almost a month due to workmate holidays), so we whizzed into the shop and I got my Addi and a set of dpns in the same size - same story as above - the only size I don't own.
Maybe now it will be quicker progress on Rhinebeck - pattern is in 'A Fine Fleece' by Lisa Lloyd. I love this book so much - the project below - Tilly is from the same book and is knitted in Manos Silk Blend. There are so many items I want to knit from this book.
Finally on the knitting front, the event that I'm organising in November-
'The Dog, Chicken and Aardvark Safari Knitters - Knitting Safari' Nov 8th, 12-4pm Woodingdean Methodist Church Hall (details on Ravelry and other places) - needed some knitted toys for a brantub that one of my brave volunteers (waves to Sue in Worthing) suggested and is now running. Here is the tally so far -I hate knitting toys, I hate knitting with squeaky yarn so this truly was/is a labour of love. The two mice at the back were knitted by Ma, I kinda volunteered her and she came up trumps. The others are my attempts - I have a mini teddy on the needles - but I've hit a brick wall at the moment - maybe next week he'll get some arms and legs.
The bathroom of doom continues.....1 step forward, 10 back, or that is how it feels. Honestly, we've always known that this place was the last house built in the close and the builder used all the odds and sods he left from the other properties, but it is ridiculous -we found out yesterday that half the pipes in the house are in imperial measures and the rest in metric - just at a critical point when all the local plumber merchants were shut (they don't open Sat pm - which is so strange in our 24/7 world) lucky for us B&Q had a compression joint which fitted but delayed the work. Then the weird heating system developed an airlock which would NOT clear or allow the system to be back filled - at about 9.00pm, after a day fraught with plumbing problems, we switched on the immersion for hot showers (we are using Ma's bathroom downstairs) and M left it to this morning - he is currently wrestling with it - but it is delaying all the other stuff which needs to be done!! I could have screamed with frustration on his behalf yesterday. This is a lovely house, but it is such a jerry build!
Right now I intend to knit and chill, then walk the dogs if the weather holds and that is about it for the day. I will don my plumbers mate hat when needed - but the word 'bathroom' is a dirty one at the moment!